Most или most of; all или all of; no или none of и др.
Вы можете использовать слова в рамочке с существительным (some food / few books и т.п.):

- All cars have wheels.
- Some cars can go faster than others.
- (on a notice) NO CARS. (= no cars allowed = автомобилям проезд запрещен)
- Many people drive too fast.
- I don’t go out very often. I’m at home most days.
Нельзя говорить ‘all of cars’, ‘some of people’ и др. (см. также раздел B):
- Some people learn languages more easily than others. (not
Some of people)
Заметьте, что мы говорим most - ‘большинство’ (not the most):
- Most tourists don’t visit this part of the town. (not
The most tourists)
Слова в рамочке можно использовать с of (some of / most of и т.п.).
Мы используем some of / most of / none of и др. + the/this/that/these/those/my ... и др. Т.е. вы можете сказать ‘some of the people’, ‘some of those people’ (но не ‘some of people’):
- Some of the people I work with are not very friendly.
Некоторые люди, с которыми я работаю, не очень дружелюбны. - None of this money is mine.
Все эти деньги – не мои. - Have you read any of these books?
Ты читал какие-либо из этих книг? - I was sick yesterday. I spent most of the day in bed.
Я вчера болел. Провёл большую часть дня в кровати.
После all или half не обязательно ставить of. Т.е. вы можете сказать:
- All my friends live in Los Angeles. or All of my friends ...
- Half this money is mine. or Half of this money ...
- All flowers are beautiful. (= all flowers in general) All (of) the flowers in this garden are beautiful. (= a specific group of flowers)
- Most problems have a solution. (= most problems in general) We were able to solve most of the problems we had. (= a specific group of problems)
Вы можете использовать all of / some of / none of и др. + it/us/you/them:
- ‘How many of these people do you know?’ ‘None of them. / A few of them.’
‘Скольких из этих людей ты знаешь?’ ‘Никого (из них). / Некоторых (из них).’ - Do any of you want to come to a party tonight?
Кто-нибудь из вас хочет пойти на вечеринку сегодня вечером? - ‘Do you like this music?’ ‘Some of it. Not all of it.’
‘Тебе нравится эта музыка?’ ‘Кое-что. Не всё (из этого).’
Мы говорим: all of us / all of you / half of it / half of them и др. Убрать of перед it/us/you/them нельзя:
- All of us were late. (not
all us) - I haven’t finished the book yet. I’ve only read half of it. (not
half it)
Вы также можете использовать some/most и др. без существительного:
- Some cars have four doors and some have two.
У некоторых машин четыре двери, а у некоторых – две. - A few of the shops were open, but most (of them) were closed.
Несколько магазинов были открыты, но большинство (из них) были закрыты. - Half this money is mine, and half (of it) is yours. (not
the half)
Половина этих денег – моя, а (другая) половина – твоя.
1. Выберите of, если необходимо, либо оставьте поле пустым.
2. Выберите слово или фразу из списка и закончите предложения. Используйте of (some of / most of и др.), если необходимо.
her friends
her opinions
my spare time
the buildings
the population
- I haven’t read many .
- All have wheels.
- I spend much gardening.
- Many are caused by bad driving.
- It’s a historic town. Many are over 400 years old.
- When she got married, she kept it a secret. She didn’t tell any .
- Not many people live in the north of the country. Most live in the south.
- Not all can fly. For example, the penguin can’t fly.
- Our team played badly and lost the game. None played well.
- Julia and I have very different ideas. I don’t agree with many .
- Sarah travels a lot in Europe. She has been to most .
- I had no appetite. I could only eat half .

3. Закончите эти предложения, используя свои идеи.
- The building was damaged in the explosion. All were broken.
- We had a very lazy holiday. We spent most of on the beach.
- I went to the cinema by myself. None of wanted to come.
- The test was difficult. I could only answer half .
- Some of you took at the wedding were very good.
- ‘Have you spent all I gave you?’ ‘No, there’s still some left.’
4. Закончите предложения. Используйте:
all of / some of / none of + it/them/us (all of it / some of them etc.)
- These books are all Jane’s. belong to me.
- ‘How many of these books have you read?’ ‘. Every one.’
- We all got wet in the rain because had an umbrella.
- Some of this money is yours and is mine.
- I asked some people for directions, but was able to help me.
- She invented the whole story from beginning to end. was true.
- Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish. were French.
- I watched most of the film, but not .