Глагол + предлоги: about / for / of / after
talk / read / know ABOUT ... , tell somebody ABOUT ...
- We talked about a lot of things at the meeting.
Мы говорили о многом на собрании.
have a discussion ABOUT something, но discuss something (без предлога)
- We had a discussion about what we should do.
У нас было обсуждение о том, что необходимо сделать. - We discussed a lot of things at the meeting. (not
discussed about)
Мы обсудили многое на собрании.
do something ABOUT something = do something to improve a bad situation = делать что-то, чтобы улучшить плохую ситуацию
- If you’re worried about the problem, you should do something about it.
Если вы волнуетесь из-за этой проблемы, вам нужно что-то сделать по этому поводу.
care ABOUT somebody/something = think that somebody/something is important = думать, что кто-то/что-то имеет важное значение
- He’s very selfish. He doesn’t care about other people.
Он очень эгоистичен. Другие люди его не волнуют. или На других людей ему наплевать.
Мы говорим ‘care what/where/how ...’ и др. (без about)
- You can do what you like. I don’t care what you do.
Можешь делать, что хочешь. Мне всё равно/Меня не волнует, что ты делаешь.
care FOR somebody/something
(1) = like something = нравится что-нибудь, хотеть что-нибудь (обычно в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях)
- Would you care for a cup of coffee? (= Would you like ... ?)
Не хотите чашечку кофе? - I don’t care for very hot weather. (= I don’t like ...)
Мне не нравится жаркая погода.
(2) = look after somebody = ухаживать; присматривать за кем-либо; заботиться о ком-либо
- Alan is 85 and lives alone. He needs somebody to care for him.
Алану 85 лет, и он живет один. Ему нужен кто-нибудь, кто о нем позаботится.
take care OF ... = look after
- Have a nice holiday. Take care of yourself! (= look after yourself)
Приятного вам отдыха. Берегите себя!
ask (somebody) FOR ...
- I wrote to the company asking them for more information about the job.
досл.: Я написал в компанию, спрашивая их о бо́льшей информации о работе.
‘I asked him the way to ...’, ‘She asked me my name’ (без предлога)
‘Я спросил у него дорогу до ...’, ‘Она спросила у меня мое имя.’
apply (TO a person, a company etc.) FOR a job etc.
- I think you’d be good at this job. Why don’t you apply for it?
Я думаю, что ты хорошо справишься (досл.: будешь хорош в) с этой работой. Почему бы тебе не отправить им резюме? (досл.: почему ты не подашь заявление о приеме на работу?)
wait FOR ...
- Don’t wait for me. I’ll join you later.
Не ждите меня. Я присоединюсь к вам позже. - I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting for the rain to stop.
Я пока никуда не иду. Я жду, пока закончится дождь.
search (a person / a place / a bag etc.) FOR ...
- I’ve searched the house for my keys, but I still can’t find them.
Я обыскал дом в поисках своих ключей, но так и не нашел их.
leave (a place) FOR another place
- I haven’t seen her since she left (home) for the office this morning. (not
left to the office)
Я не видел ее с тех пор, как она ушла (из дома) в офис этим утром.
look FOR ... = search for, try to find = искать, пытаться найти
- I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me to look for them?
Я потерял ключи. Можешь помочь мне их найти?
look AFTER ... = take care of (см. выше)
- Alan is 85 and lives alone. He needs somebody to look after him. (not
look for) - You can borrow this book, but you must promise to look after it.
Ты можешь взять (на время) эту книгу, но ты должен пообещать, что будешь за ней следить.
1. Вставьте правильный предлог. Если никакой предлог не нужен, оставьте поле пустым.
- I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting the rain to stop.
- I couldn’t find the street I was looking for, so I stopped someone to ask directions.
- I’ve applied a job at the factory. I don’t know if I’ll get it.
- I’ve applied three colleges. I hope one of them accepts me.
- I’ve searched everywhere John, but I haven’t been able to find him.
- I don’t want to talk what happened last night. Let’s forget it.
- I don’t want to discuss what happened last night. Let’s forget it.
- We had an interesting discussion the problem, but we didn’t reach a decision.
- We discussed the problem, but we didn’t reach a decision.
- I don’t want to go out yet. I’m waiting the post to arrive.
- Ken and Sonia are touring Italy. They’re in Rome at the moment, bur tomorrow they leave Venice.
- The roof of the house is in very bad condition. I think we ought to do something it.
- We waited Steve for half an hour, but he never came.
- Tomorrow morning I have to catch a plane. I’m leaving my house the airport at 7.30.

2. Закончите предложения со следующими глаголами (в правильной форме) + предлог:
apply ask do leave look search talk wait
- Police are the man who escaped from prison.
- We’re still a reply to our letter. We haven’t heard anything yet.
- I think Ben likes his job, but he doesn’t it much.
- When I’d finished my meal, I the waiter the bill.
- Cathy is unemployed. She has several jobs, but she hasn’t had any luck.
- If something is wrong, why don’t you something it?
- Linda’s car is very old, but it’s in excellent condition. She it very well.
- Diane is from Boston, but now she lives in Paris. She Boston Paris when she was 19.
3. Вставьте правильный предлог после care. Если никакой предлог не нужен, оставьте поле пустым.
- He’s very selfish. He doesn’t care other people.
- Are you hungry? Would you care something to eat?
- She doesn’t care the exam. She doesn’t care whether she passes or fails.
- Please let me borrow your camera. I promise I’ll take good care it.
- ‘Do you like this coat?’ ‘Not really. I don’t care the colour.’
- Don’t worry about the shopping. I’ll take care that.
- I want to have a good holiday. I don’t care the cost.
- I want to have a good holiday. I don’t care how much it costs.
4. Закончите предложения с look for или look after. Используйте правильную форму глагола look (looks/looked/looking).
- I my keys, but I couldn’t find them anywhere.
- Kate is a job. I hope she finds one soon.
- Who you when you were ill?
- I’m Elizabeth. Have you seen her?
- The car park was full, so we had to somewhere else to park.
- A babysitter is somebody who other people’s children.