Порядок слов в английском: сказуемое + дополнение; обстоятельство

Урок 109
Сказуемое + дополнение

Сказуемое и дополнение обычно идут вместе (в англ. варианте здесь это verb - глагол и object - объект. Мы обычно не ставим другие слова между ними:

  verb + object  
I like my job very much. (not I like very much my job)
Did you see your friends yesterday?
Liz often plays tennis.  

Изучите эти примеры. The verb и the object каждый раз идут вместе:

  • Do you eat meat every day?
    (not Do you eat every day meat?)
  • Everybody enjoyed the party very much.
    (not enjoyed very much the party)
  • Our guide spoke English fluently.
    (not spoke fluently English)
  • I lost all my money and I also lost my passport.
    (not I lost also my passport)
  • At the end of the street you’ll see a supermarket on your left.
    (not see on your left a supermarket)

Под обстоятельством в этом уроке понимается только место (place) и время (time).

Обычно глагол и место (where? = где? куда? откуда?) идут вместе:

go home

live in a city

walk to work и др.

Если у глагола есть дополнение, место идет после verb + object:

take somebody home

meet a friend in the street

Время (when? / how often? / how long?) обычно идет после места:

  place + time
Ben walks to work every morning. (not every morning to work)
Sam has been in Canada since April.
We arrived at the airport early.

Изучите эти примеры. Время идет после места:

  • I’m going to Paris on Monday. (not I’m going on Monday to Paris)
  • They have lived in the same house for a long time.
  • Don’t be late. Make sure you’re here by 8 o’clock.
  • Sarah gave me a lift home after the party.
  • You really shouldn’t go to bed so late.

Часто время можно поставить в начало предложения:

  • On Monday I’m going to Paris.
  • Every morning Ben walks to work.

Некоторые показатели времени (например, always/never/often) обычно идут с глаголом в середине предложения. Об этом в следующем уроке.

О порядке прилагательных речь шла в уроке 99.


1. Порядок слов правильный или неправильный? Исправьте предложения там, где необходимо.

Everybody enjoyed the party very much.
Ben walks every morning to work.
Joe doesn’t like very much football.
I drink three or four cups of coffee every morning.
I ate quickly my breakfast and went out.
Are you going to invite to the party a lot of people?
I phoned Tom immediately after hearing the news.
Did you go late to bed last night?
Did you learn a lot of things at school today?
I met on my way home a friend of mine.


2. Расставьте части предложения в правильном порядке.

  1. (the party / very much / everybody enjoyed)
  2. (we won / easily / the game)
  3. (quietly / the door / I closed)
  4. (Diane / quite well / speaks / German)
  5. (Sam / all the time / TV / watches)
  6. (again / please don’t ask / that question)
  7. (football / every weekend / does Kevin play?)
  8. (some money / I borrowed / from a friend of mine)


3. Закончите предложения. Расставьте части в правильном порядке.

  1. (for a long time / have lived / in the same house)
  2. (to the supermarket / every Friday / go)
  3. (home / did you come / so late)
  4. (her children / takes / every day / to school)
  5. (been / recently / to the cinema)
  6. (at the top of the page / your name / write)
  7. Key
  8. (her name / after a few minutes / remembered)
  9. (around the town / all morning / walked)
  10. (on Saturday night / didn’t see you / at the party)
  11. (some interesting books / found / in the library)
  12. (her umbrella / last night / in a restaurant / left)
  13. (opposite the park / a new hotel / are building)
