Употребление would rather и prefer
Вы можете использовать ‘prefer to (do)’ или ‘prefer -ing’, говоря о предпочтениях в целом:
- I don’t like cities. I prefer to live in the country.
или I prefer living in the country. Я предпочитаю жить в сельской местности.
Изучите разницу в употреблении prefer. Мы говорим:
I prefer | something | to something else. | |
I prefer | doing something | to doing something else. | |
но | I prefer | to do something | rather than (do) something else. |
- I prefer this coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday.
Я предпочитаю эту куртку, чем ту (досл.: той), что ты носил вчера. - I prefer driving to travelling by train.
Я предпочитаю ездить на автомобиле, чем путешествовать на поезде. - I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.
- Sarah prefers to live in the country rather than (live) in a city.
Сара предпочитает жить в деревне, а не в городе. (досл.: вместо того, чтобы жить в городе)
Мы используем would prefer, говоря о предпочтениях в конкретной ситуации (не в целом):
- ‘Would you prefer tea or coffee?’ ‘Coffee, please.’
‘Вы предпочитаете чай или кофе?’ ‘Кофе, пожалуйста.’
Мы говорим ‘would prefer to do something’ (не doing):
- ‘Shall we go by train?’ ‘I’d prefer to drive.’ (not
I’d prefer driving)
‘Поедем на поезде?’ ‘Я бы предпочел на машине.’ - I’d prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.
Я предпочитаю остаться дома, чем идти в кино.
Would rather (do) = would prefer (to do). Мы используем would rather + инфинитив (без to). Сравните:
- ‘Shall we go by train?’ ‘I’d prefer to drive.’
‘Shall we go by train?’ ‘I’d rather drive.’ (notto drive) - ‘Would you rather have tea or coffee?’ ‘Coffee, please.’
Отрицанием будет ‘I’d rather not (do something)’:
- I’m tired. I’d rather not go out this evening, if you don’t mind.
- ‘Do you want to go out this evening?’ ‘I’d rather not.’ (я бы не хотел)
Мы говорим ‘would rather do something than do something else’ (сравните с предложением над желтой рамочкой):
- I’d rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.
Мы говорим ‘I’d rather you did something’ (не I’d rather you do) - ‘я бы предпочел, чтобы ты сделал что-то’. Например:
- ‘Shall I stay here?’ ‘I’d rather you came with us.’ (я бы предпочел, чтобы ты пошел с нами)
- ‘I’ll repair your bike tomorrow, OK?’ ‘I’d rather you did it today.’
- ‘Are you going to tell them what happened?’ ‘No. I’d rather they didn’t know.’
- Shall I tell them, or would you rather they didn’t know?
В этой конструкции мы используем прошедшую форму (came, did и др.), но значение в настоящем времени, а не в прошедшем. Сравните:
- I’d rather make dinner now.
Я бы предпочел приготовить обед сейчас.
I’d rather you made dinner now. (notI’d rather you make)
Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты приготовил обед сейчас.
I’d rather you didn’t (do something) = Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты не делал это:
- I’d rather you didn’t tell anyone what I said.
- ‘Shall I tell Linda what happened?’ ‘I’d rather you didn’t.’
1. Что вы предпочтёте? Напишите предложения, используя ‘I prefer (something) to (something else)’. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму, если необходимо.
- (drive / travel by train)
- (basketball / football)
- (phone people / send emails)
- (go to the cinema / watch videos at home)
Теперь перепишите предложения 3 и 4, используя конструкцию ‘I prefer to (do something)’.
2. Напишите предложения, используя I’d prefer... и I’d rather ... + следующее:
eat at home
get a taxi
go for a swim
go alone
wait till later
wait a few minutes
think about it for a while
listen to some music
- — Shall we walk home? (prefer)
- — Do you want to eat now? (rather)
- — Would you like to watch TV? (rather)
- — Do you want to go to a restaurant? (prefer)
- — Let’s leave now. (rather)
- — Shall we play tennis? (rather)
- — I think we should decide now. (prefer)
- — Would you like to sit down? (rather)
- — Do you want me to come with you? (prefer)
- I’d prefer to get a taxi ...
- I’d prefer to go for a swim ...
- I’d rather eat at home ...
- I’d prefer to think about it for a while ...
- I’d rather listen to some music ...

3. Закончите предложения, используя would you rather I ... .
- Are you going to make dinner or ...
- Are you going to tell Liz what happened or ...
- Are you going to do the shopping or ...
- Are you going to phone Diane or ...
4. Используйте свои собственные идеи, чтобы закончить эти предложения.
- ‘Shall I tell Ann the news?’ ‘No, I’d rather she know.’
- Do you want me to go now or would you rather I here?
- Do you want to go out this evening or would you rather at home?
- This is a private letter addressed to me. I’d rather you read it.
- I don’t really like these shoes. I’d rather they a different colour.
- A: Do you mind if I turn on the radio?
B: I’d rather you . I’m trying to study.