Прилагательные + предлоги: of/to, about/with, at/by/with; sorry about/for (устойчивые сочетания, часть 1)
nice / kind / good / generous / polite / stupid / silly etc. OF somebody (to do something)
- Thank you. It was very kind of you to help me.
Спасибо. Очень любезно с вашей стороны помочь мне. - It is stupid of me to go out without a coat in such cold weather.
Как глупо с моей стороны выйти на улицу без куртки в такую холодную погоду.
но (be) nice / kind / good / generous / polite / rude / friendly / cruel etc. TO somebody
- They have always been very nice to me. (not
with me)
Они всегда были добры ко мне. - Why were you so unfriendly to Lucy?
Почему ты был так недружелюбен (по отношению) к Люси?
angry / annoyed / furious
ABOUT something
WITH somebody FOR doing something
- It’s stupid to get angry about things that don’t matter.
Глупо сердиться по мелочам. (досл.: сердиться о вещах, которые не имеют значения) - Are you annoyed with me for being late?
Ты недоволен мною за то, что я опоздала?
excited / worried / upset / nervous / happy etc. ABOUT a situation
- Are you excited about going away next week?
Ты взволнован по поводу того, что уезжаешь на следующей неделе? - Lisa is upset about not being invited to the party.
Лиза расстроилась из-за того, что ее не пригласили на вечеринку.
delighted / pleased / satisfied / happy / disappointed WITH something you receive, or the result of something (чем-то, что вы получили, или результатом чего-либо)
- I was delighted with the present you gave me.
Я была восхищена подарком, который ты мне подарил. - Were you happy with your exam results?
Ты был доволен результатами экзамена?
surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something
- Everybody was surprised AT (or BY) the news.
Все были удивлены новостями. - I hope you weren’t shocked BY (or AT) what I said.
Надеюсь, что ты не был шокирован тем, что я сказала.
impressed WITH / BY somebody/something
- I’m very impressed with (or by) her English. It’s very good.
Я очень впечатлен ее английским языком. Он очень хорош.
fed up / bored WITH something
- I don’t enjoy my job any more. I’m fed up with it. / I’m bored with it.
Мне больше не нравится моя работа. Я сыт ею по горло. / Мне она надоела/наскучила.
sorry ABOUT a situation or something that happened (о ситуации или чем-то, что произошло)
- I’m sorry about the mess. I’ll clear it up later.
Извини за беспорядок. Я приберусь позже. - We’re all sorry about Julie losing her job.
Мы все сожалеем о том, что Юля потеряла работу.
sorry FOR / ABOUT something you did
- Alex is very sorry for what he said. (or sorry about what he said)
Алекс очень сожалеет о том, что сказал. - I’m sorry for shouting at you yesterday. (or sorry about shouting)
Я извиняюсь за то, что накричал на тебя вчера.
Вы также можете сказать ‘I’m sorry I (did something)’:
- I’m sorry I shouted at you yesterday.
Я извиняюсь, что накричал на тебя вчера.
feel / be sorry FOR somebody who is in a bad situation (за кого-то, кто находится в плохой ситуации)
- I feel sorry for Matt. He’s had a lot of bad luck. (not
I feel sorry about Matt)
Мне жаль Мэтта. Ему очень не повезло.
1. Напишите предложения, используя nice of ... , kind of ... и др.
- — I went out in the cold without a coat. (silly)
— - — Sue offered to drive me to the airport. (nice)
— That was her. - — I needed money and Tom gave me some. (generous)
— That . - — They didn’t invite us to their party. (not very nice)
— That . - — Can I help you with your luggage? (very kind)
— you. - — Kevin didn’t thank me for the present. (not very polite)
— - — They’ve had an argument and now they refuse to speak to each other. (a bit childish)
2. Закончите предложения, используя следующие прилагательные + правильный предлог:
annoyed annoyed astonished bored excited impressed kind sorry
- Are you going away next week?
- Thank you for all your help. You’ve been very me.
- I wouldn’t like to be in her position. I feel her.
- What have I done wrong? Why are you me?
- Why do you always get so things that don’t matter?
- I wasn’t very the service in the restaurant. We had to wait ages before our food arrived.
- Ben isn’t very happy at college. He says he’s the course he’s doing.
- I had never seen so many people before. I was the crowds.
3. Вставьте правильный предлог.
- I was delighted the present you gave me.
- It was very nice you to do my shopping for me. Thank you very much.
- Why are you always so rude your parents? Can’t you be nice them?
- It was careless you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
- They didn’t reply to our letter, which wasn’t very polite them.
- We always have the same food every day. I’m fed up it.
- I can’t understand people who are cruel animals.
- We enjoyed our holiday, but we were a bit disappointed the hotel.
- I was surprised the way he behaved. It was completely out of character.
- I’ve been trying to learn Spanish, but I’m not very satisfied my progress.
- Linda doesn’t look very well. I’m worried her.
- Are you angry what happened?
- I’m sorry what I did. I hope you’re not angry me.
- The people next door are furious us making so much noise last night.
- Jill starts her new job next week. She’s quite excited it.
- I’m sorry the smell of paint in this room. I’ve just decorated it.
- I was shocked what I saw. I’d never seen anything like it before.
- The man we interviewed for the job was intelligent, but we weren’t very impressed his appearance.
- Are you still upset what I said to you yesterday?
- He said he was sorry the situation, but there was nothing he could do.
- I felt sorry the children when we went on holiday. It rained every day and they had to spend most of the time indoors.