Конструкции: It is said that ... He is said to ... He is supposed to ...
Изучите следующую ситуацию:

Генри очень старый. Никто точно не знает сколько ему лет, но:
Оба предложения означают: ‘Люди говорят, что ему 108 лет’.
Вы можете использовать эти кострукции с многими другими глаголами, особенно:
alleged believed considered expected known reported thought understood
Сравните эти две конструкции:
- Cathy works very hard. Кэти много работает.
Говорят, она работает 16 часов в день.It is said that she works 16 hours a day.orShe is said to work 16 hours a day. - The police are looking for a missing boy. Полиция разыскивает пропавшего мальчика.
Предполагается, что мальчик одет в белый свитер и синие джинсы.It is believed that the boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.orThe boy is believed to be wearing a white pullover and blue jeans. - The strike started three weeks ago. Забастовка началась три недели назад.
Ожидается, что она скоро закончится.It is expected that it will end soon.orThe strike is expected to end soon. - A friend of mine has been arrested. Моего друга арестовали.
Утверждают, что он ударил полицейского.It is alleged that he hit a policeman.orHe is alleged to have hit a policeman. - The two houses belong to the same family. Эти два дома принадлежат одной семье.
Говорят, есть секретный туннель между ними.It is said that there is a secret tunnel between them.orThere is said to be a secret tunnel between them.
These structures are often used in news reports. For example, in a report about an accident: Эти конструкции часто используют в программах новостей. Для примера, вот репортаж о несчастном случае:
Сообщается, что двое людей пострадали в результате взрыва.
Иногда (it is) supposed to ... = (it is) said to ... :
- I want to see that film. It’s supposed to be good. (= говорят, он хороший)
- Mark is supposed to have hit a policeman, but I don’t believe it.
Но иногда supposed to (предполагается) имеет другое значение. Мы используем supposed to, чтобы сказать о том, что мы намеревались, планировали или ожидали сделать. Часто реальное положение дел отличается от наших планов.
- The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. (= план должен был быть секретным)
- What are you doing at work? You’re supposed to be on holiday. (= вы запланировали быть в отпуске)
- Our guests were supposed to come at 7.30, but they were late.
- Jane was supposed to phone me last night, but she didn’t.
- I’d better hurry. I’m supposed to be meeting Chris in ten minutes. (Я должен встретиться с Крисом через 10 минут.)
You’re not supposed to do something = не разрешается или не рекомендуется:
- You’re not supposed to park your car here. It’s private parking only.
Здесь не разрешается парковаться. Это частная парковка. - Jeff is much better after his illness, but he’s still not supposed to do any heavy work.
Джэф выглядит намного лучше после болезни, но ему все еще не стоит заниматься тяжелой работой.
1. Напишите эти предложения другим способом, начиная с уже написанных слов. Каждый раз используйте выделенное слово.
- It is expected that the strike will end soon.
- It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.
- It is believed that the thieves got in through a window in the roof.
- It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.
- It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall.
- It is alleged that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour.
- It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by the fire.
- It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.
- It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year.
- It is expected that the company will make a loss this year.
- It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.

2. Об Алане ходит много слухов. Вот некоторые из них:
Никто не уверен правдивые они или нет. Напишите предложения об Алане, используя supposed to.
3. Закончите предложения, используя supposed to be + следующее:
on a diet a flower my friend a joke a secret working
- Everybody seems to know about the plan, but it ...
- You shouldn’t criticise me all the time. You ...
- I shouldn’t be eating this cake really. I ...
- I’m sorry for what I said. I was trying to be funny. It ...
- What’s this drawing? Is it a tree? Or maybe it ...
- You shouldn’t be reading the paper now. You ...
4. Напишите предложения с supposed to + следующие глаголы:
arrive block park phone start
Используйте отрицание (not supposed to), если необходимо.
- You here. It’s private parking only.
- We work at 8.15, but we rarely do anything before 8.30.
- Oh, I Helen, but I completely forgot.
- This door is a fire exit. You it.
- My train at 11.30, but it was an hour late.