Настоящее время (I am doing / I do) для выражения будущего
Это ежедневник Бена на следующую неделю.
He is playing tennis on Monday afternoon.
He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning.
He is having dinner with Kate on Friday.
Во всех этих примерах, Бен уже решил и запланировал всё это делать.
I’m doing something (tomorrow) = Я уже решил и запланировал дело (на завтра):
- A: What are you doing on Saturday evening? (not
What do you do)
B: I’m going to the theatre. (notI go) - A: What time is Cathy arriving tomorrow?
B: Half past ten. I’m meeting her at the station. - I’m not working tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.
- Ian isn’t playing football next Saturday. He’s hurt his leg.
‘I’m going to (do)’ также возможно в этих предложениях:
- What are you going to do on Saturday evening?
Но present continuous наиболее естественно для запланированных событий. См. также урок 20B.
Не используйте will говоря о запланированных событиях:
- What are you doing this evening? (not
What will you do) - Alex is getting married next month. (not
will get)
Вы также можете использовать present continuous для действия перед тем, как начнете его делать. Особенно это касается глаголов движения (go/come/leave и др.):
- I’m tired. I’m going to bed now. Goodnight. (not
I go to bed now) - ‘Tina, are you ready yet?’ ‘Yes, I’m coming.’ (not
I come)
Мы используем present simple, когда говорим о расписаниях, программах и др. (для транспорта, кинотеатров и др.):
- My train leaves at 11.30, so I need to be at the station by 11.15.
- What time does the film begin this evening?
- It’s Wednesday tomorrow. / Tomorrow is Wednesday.
Вы можете использовать present simple, говоря о людях, если их планы фиксированы, как расписание:
- I start my new job on Monday.
- What time do you finish work tomorrow?
Но continuous более естественен для личных планов:
- What time are you meeting Ann tomorrow? (not
do you meet)
Present continuous
- What time are you arriving?
- I’m going to the cinema this evening.
Present simple
- What time does the train arrive?
- The film begins at 8.15 (this evening).
1. Ваша подруга планирует скоро пойти в отпуск. Спросите о её планах. Используйте слова в скобках.
1. (where / go?)
2. (how long / go for?)
Ten days.
3. (when / leave?)
Next Friday.
4. (go / alone?)
No, with a friend.
5. (travel / by car?)
No, by train.
6. (where / stay?)
In a hotel.
2. Том хочет, чтобы Вы пришли к нему в гости, но Вы очень заняты. Посмотрите в свой ежедневник на следующие несколько дней и объясните ему почему вы не можете прийти.
Can you come on Monday evening?
Sorry, but
What about Tuesday evening then?
No, not Tuesday. I
And Wednesday evening?
Well, are you free on Thursday?
I’m afraid not.
3. Вы что-нибудь запланировали делать в это время? Напишите предложения о себе.
- (this evening)
или - (tomorrow morning)
- (tomorrow evening)
- (next Sunday)
- (choose another day or time)
4. Поставьте глагол в наиболее подходящую форму: present continuous или present simple.
- I (go) to the cinema this evening.
- (the film / begin) at 3.30 or 4.30?
- We (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?
- The art exhibition (finish) on 3 May.
- I (not / go) out this evening. I (stay) at home.
- ‘ (you / do) anything tomorrow morning?’ ‘No, I’m free. Why?’
- We (go) to a concert tonight. It (start) at 7.30.
- I (leave) now. I’ve come to say goodbye.
- A: Have you seen Liz recently?
B: No, but we (meet) for lunch next week. - You are on the train to London and you ask another passenger:
Excuse me. What time (this train / get) to London? - You are talking to Helen:
Helen, I (go) to the supermarket. (you / come) with me? - You and a friend are watching television. You say:
I’m bored with this programme. What time (it / end)? - I (not / use) the car this evening, so you can have it.
- Sue (come) to see us tomorrow. She (travel) by train and her train (arrive) at 10.15.