Фразовые глаголы: сравнение on и off
On и off для света, машин и др.
Мы говорим:
the light is on / put the light on / leave the light on etc.
turn the light on/off or switch the light on/off
- Shall I leave the lights on or turn them off?
Мне оставить свет включенным или выключить? - ‘Is the heating on?’ ‘No, I switched it off.’
‘Отопление включено?’ ‘Нет, я его выключил.’ - We need some boiling water, so I’ll put the kettle on.
Нам нужен кипяток, поэтому я поставил чайник (кипятиться).
Также put on some music / a CD / a video etc.
- I haven’t listened to this CD yet. Shall I put it on?
Я еще не слушал этот диск. Мне его включить?
On и off для событий/мероприятий и т.п.
go on = происходить
- What’s all that noise? What’s going on? (= what’s happening)
Что это за шум? Что происходит?
call something off = отменить что-либо
- The open air concert had to be called off because of the weather.
Концерт под открытым небом пришлось отменить из-за погоды.
put something off, put off doing something = delay it = откладывать; отсрочивать
- The wedding has been put off until January.
Свадьбу отложили до января. - We can’t put off making a decision. We have to decide now.
Мы не можем отложить принятие решения. Мы должны решить сейчас.
On и off для одежды и др.
put on clothes, glasses, make-up, a seat belt etc.
- My hands were cold, so I put my gloves on.
Мои руки замерзли, поэтому я надел перчатки.
Также put on weight = get heavier = набирать вес/прибавлять в весе/толстеть
- I’ve put on two kilograms in the last month.
Я набрал два килограмма в прошлом месяце.
try on clothes (to see if they fit) = примерять
- I tried on a jacket in the shop, but it didn’t fit me very well.
Я примерила куртку в магазине, но она мне не очень подошла.
take off clothes, glasses etc.
- It was warm, so I took off my jacket.
Было тепло, поэтому я снял куртку.
Off = away from a person or place = далеко от человека или места
be off (to a place) = уходить, покидать; отправляться
- Tomorrow I’m off to Paris / I’m off on holiday. (= I’m going to Paris / I’m going on holiday)
Завтра я улетаю в Париж. / уезжаю в отпуск.
walk off / run off / drive off / ride off / go off (похожи на walk away / run away etc.)
- Diane got on her bike and rode off.
Диана села на велосипед и уехала. - Mark left home at the age of eighteen and went off to Canada.
Марк ушел из дома в восемьнадцать лет и уехал в Канаду.
set off = start a journey = отправляться (в путь)
- We set off very early to avoid the traffic. (= We left early)
Мы выехали очень рано, чтобы не попасть в пробки.
take off = leave the ground (for planes) = взлететь
- After a long delay the plane finally took off.
После длительной задержки самолет наконец-то взлетел.
see somebody off = go with them to the airport/station to say goodbye = провожать (уезжающих)
- Helen was going away. We went to the station with her to see her off.
Елена собиралась уезжать. Мы поехали вместе на вокзал, чтобы проводить её.
1. Закончите предложения, используя put on + следующее:
a CD the heating the kettle the light the oven
- It was getting dark, so I
- It was getting cold, so I
- I wanted to bake a cake, so I
- I wanted to make some tea, so I
- I wanted to listen to some music, so I
2. Закончите предложения. Каждый раз используйте глагол + on или off.
- It was warm, so I my jacket.
- What are all these people doing? What’s ?
- The weather was too bad for the plane to , so the flight was delayed.
- I didn’t want to be disturbed, so I my mobile phone.
- Rachel got into her car and at high speed.
- Tim has weight since I last saw him. He used to be quite thin.
- A: What time are you leaving tomorrow?
B: I’m not sure yet, but I’d like to as early as possible. - Don’t until tomorrow what you can do today.
- There was going to be a strike by bus drivers, but now they have been offered more money and the strike has been .
- Are you cold? Shall I get you a sweater to ?
- When I go away, I prefer to be alone at the station or airport. I don’t like it when people come to me .

3. Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения.
Her hands were cold, so she .
The plane at 10.55.
Maria , but it was too big for her.
The match because of the weather.
Mark’s parents went to the airport to .
He took his sunglasses out of his pocket and .