Косвенная (непрямая) речь 1 (He said that...)
Изучите следующую ситуацию:
Вы хотите сообщить кому-нибудь о том, что сказал Пол. Есть два способа это сделать:
Вы можете повторить слова Пола (direct speech - прямая речь):
Paul said, ‘I’m feeling ill.’
Или вы можете использовать reported speech - косвенную (непрямую) речь:
Paul said that he was feeling ill.
прямая | ![]() |
косвенная |
В косвенной речи основной глагол (Paul said that ... / I told her that ... и др.) и остальная часть предложения обычно находятся в прошедшем времени:
- Paul said that he was feeling ill.
Пол сказал, что он плохо себя чувствовал. - I told Lisa that I didn’t have any money.
Я сказал Лизе, что у меня не было денег.
That можно и не использовать, т.е. вы можете сказать:
- Paul said that he was feeling ill. или Paul said he was feeling ill.
Как правило, форма настоящего времени в прямой речи изменяется на форму прошедшего времени в косвенной речи:
are → were
have/has → had
can → could
want/like/know/go etc. → wanted/liked/knew/went etc.
Сравните прямую и косвенную речь:
Вы встретили Дженни. Вот кое-что из того, что она сказала в прямой речи:
Позже вы сообщаете кому-то о том, что сказала Дженни, используя косвенную речь:
‘My parents are very well.’
Jenny said that her parents were very well.
‘I’m going to learn to drive.’
She said that she was going to learn to drive.
‘I want to buy a car.’
She said that she wanted to buy a car.
‘John has a new job.’
She said that John had a new job.
‘I can’t come to the party on Friday.’
She said that she couldn’t come to the party on Friday.
‘I don’t have much free time.’
She said she didn’t have much free time.
I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you when I get back.’
She said that she was going away for a few days and would phone me when she got back.
The past simple (did/saw/knew и т.д.) обычно может оставаться таким же и в косвенной речи, или вы можете изменить его на the past perfect (had done / had seen / had known и т.д.):
Paul said: ‘I woke up feeling ill, so I didn’t go to work.’
Paul said (that) he woke up feeling ill, so he didn’t go to work. или
Paul said (that) he had woken up feeling ill, so he hadn’t gone to work.
1. Вчера вы встретили своего друга, Стива. Вы давно его не видели. Вот кое-что из того, что Стива вам сказал:
1. I’m living in London.
2. My father isn’t very well.
3. Rachel and Mark are getting married next month.
4. My sister has had a baby.
5. I don’t know what Frank is doing.
6. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine.
7. I haven’t seen Diane recently.
8. I’m not enjoying my job very much.
9. You can come and stay at my place if you’re ever in London.
10. My car was stolen a few days ago.
11. I want to go on holiday, but I can’t afford it.
12. I’ll tell Chris I saw you.
Позже этим днем вы сообщаете другому другу то, что вам сказал Стив. Используйте косвенную речь.

2. Сейчас вам говорят одно, в то же время еще недавно вам говорили об этом совсем противоположные вещи. Закончите ответы.
- A: That restaurant is expensive.
B: Is it? I thought you said. - A: Sue is coming to the party tonight.
B: Is she? I thought you said she. - A: Sarah likes Paul.
B: Does she? Last week you said. - A: I know lots of people.
B: Do you? I thought you said. - A: Jane will be here next week.
B: Will she? But didn’t you say? - A: I’m going out this evening.
B: Are you? But you said. - A: I can speak a little French.
B: Can you? But earlier you said. - A: I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
B: Haven’t you? I thought you said.