Business English / Деловой английский язык |
Negotiating a deal
Nicole Vernay is a French dress designer who also runs a chain of small boutiques in Paris. She has come to Seoul, in South Korea, to negotiate two deals with Park Kyu Hun, who runs a clothing factory called Fashionpark. Nicole wants to buy his factory's ready-made clothes for resale in France and Park wants to buy the exclusive manufacturing rights to her dress designs. They have a lot of negotiating to do!
Nicole Vernay | is a dress designer. She is French. |
Park Kyu Hun | is the owner of Fashionpark Corporation. He is Korean. |
Vocabulary | Terms of business; licensing agreements; contracts and legal documents. |
Skills | Negotiating the terms of a deal; countering an unacceptable suggestion; being firm, but flexible; understanding legal language. |
Documents | A draft licensing agreement; letters; a spreadsheet. |
Opening negotiations
17.1 Listen and read
Park Kyu Hun and Nicole Vernay are negotiating two deals: he wants to manufacture the dresses that she designs, and she wants to buy the made-up dresses from him for sale in her shops. They are travelling in a car from her hotel to the Fashionpark offices, to start their second session of talks. Listen to what they say. Why is Nicole surprised?
NICOLE | I thought we should begin today by going over again the main points we agreed yesterday. Then this afternoon I can telephone my lawyer in Paris. |
PARK | I can save you the trouble, Miss Vernay. ![]() |
NICOLE | Ah! You certainly don't waste any time. ![]() |
PARK | I've got the document here. There. Clause 14. ![]() |

17.2 Document study - 1
The agreement is a very formal document. Clause 14 is shown below. Listen to Nicole read it. Notice how she breaks up the long sentences into short word groups to help her understand and check the document. Put a slash / to mark where each word group begins and ends.
The licensee

17.3 Document study - 2
Nicole reads Clauses 17 and 18 of the agreement. Listen to her, and put a slash / to mark where she breaks up the document.

(a) in advance

(b) at the end of each quarter and in arrears

Clause 18

17.4 Listen and read
Park and Nicole continue their journey. Listen to what they say. Why does Park think that Nicole would accept Clause 18? Why does Nicole object to Clause 18?
NICOLE | Er - what’s going on here? Mr Park ![]() ![]() |
PARK | Oh, you are looking at Clause 18 - setting off your debts against our fee payments. I mentioned it in my letter. ![]() |
NICOLE | I'm sorry, Mr Park, this point is just not negotiable. ![]() ![]() |
PARK | I think we would find my proposal well worth considering. We'd save time and bank charges. Not so many transfers ![]() ![]() ![]() |
NICOLE | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
PARK | I'm sure we can find a way round this. Look - we have already found a way through the traffic. Let's go up to my office and talk there. |

17.5 Find the word: licensing agreements
Read the text below on licensing agreements. Write a word from the box to fill each of the gaps.
advance | clauses | fee | licensee | period | term | trade |
arrears | exclusive | licence | licensor | royalty | terms |
A company may want to use another company's ideas, designs, or just its name. Every country has laws protecting these things through the registration of patents or copyrights. A a to use another company's b mark can be bought just as its products can be bought, and the price is negotiable, though the process is often complicated; each side is anxious to protect its rights. Business people and their lawyers spend much time and care in negotiating and drafting the c of licensing agreements; even a simple agreement may contain many d . The owner of the idea or design is the e ; the company that wants to use it is the f .
Mr Park will be entitled to use Nicole Vernay's designs only for a limited g - the h of the agreement - and under certain conditions. For example, the licensee must pay 'consideration'; without this, no contract is valid. This will be in the form of a fixed amount, a license i , payable in j at the beginning of each quarter, and a k , payable in l , based on the quantity of Nicole Vernay clothes he has sold during the quarter. The agreement is m ; Nicole cannot allow any other manufacturer to produce clothes to her designs while the contract is in force.

17.6 Writing practice: dictation
Listen again to Nicole reading the clauses from the contract in 17.2 and 17.3. As you listen, write what she says. When you have finished, compare what you have written with the printed clauses in 17.2 and 17.3. You might like to cover up 17.2 and 17.3 while you do this exercise.
Being firm
17.7 Listen and read
Nicole and Park are now in the Fashionpark office. Listen to what they say. What arguments does Park use to try to persuade Nicole to accept Clause 18?
PARK | Surely the way to fix this is for me to give you a discount on the shipments that I send you. ![]() ![]() |
NICOLE | In theory, maybe, but it's too complicated. This is the real reason why I don't want the two agreements to be linked. Both of us will spend time and energy worrying about exchange rates and discounts when we should be selling clothes. ![]() |
PARK | I'm sure you have an accountant, and your accountant has a computer - they will do the work for you! |
NICOLE | It's the thin end of the wedge. ![]() |
PARK | Oh, really, Miss Vernay - I think you exaggerate the difficulties. As I told you, in order to pay you, I have to purchase foreign currency through my bank, and I must do this when the exchange rate is favourable. |
NICOLE | Oh come on, Mr Park! ![]() |
PARK | Ah! But we must also consider Korean tax laws, which are very strict. |

17.8 Listen and read
Nicole and Park continue their discussion. Listen to what they say. What words and phrases does Nicole use here and in 17.7 to show that she thinks Park is simply trying to trick or mislead her?
PARK | There are many problems in doing foreign currency deals overseas if one is importing. |
NICOLE | But you're not importing, you're paying a licence fee! |
PARK | I would have to discuss the matter in detail with my financial advisers. |
NICOLE | Now you're just playing for time. ![]() |
PARK | I assure you ... |
NICOLE | Mr Park, I simply do not understand why you are creating obstacles to a perfectly simple agreement. ![]() ![]() |

17.9 Speaking practice: being firm
Listen to this conversation. Then listen again, and speak the part of the man.
WOMAN | This deal's too complicated. We shall each end up thinking that the other is cheating. |
MAN | Oh really! I think you exaggerate the difficulties. As I told you, I have to purchase foreign currency. |
WOMAN | Oh come on! You're not trying to tell me that your company doesn't have a US bank account? |
MAN | Well, I would have to discuss the matter with my financial advisers. |
WOMAN | Now you're just playing for time! I'm sorry, but we don't appear to be on the same wavelength here at all. I'm going to have lunch. I'll come back at three o'clock and I hope we can sort it all out then. |
17.10 Document study
Park decides to read through the file of his correspondence with Nicole. Read the letters. How did Nicole first contact Park?

11th February 1991
Dear Mr Park
Your name has been given to me by the Commercial Attaché of the Korean Embassy in Paris. I am a dress designer and I am also building up a chain of in-store boutiques selling Nicole Vernay-branded ready-made dresses.

Dear Miss Vernay
Thank you for your telephone call confirming our appointment to meet at your salon on the occasion of the presentation of your autumn collection. I look forward to seeing you in Paris.

24th August 1991
Dear Mr Park
I am glad to be able to tell you that the first consignment of Fashionpark suits and accessories
arrived safely on Tuesday, and the reaction to samples rushed to our boutiques has been extremely favourable. Our pilot scheme seems to have been entirely successful.
I look forward to visiting you in Seoul to negotiate the licensing and purchase agreements for the spring collection.

Dear Hiss Vernay
Thank you for your letter of 24 August. Hy colleagues and I will be vary pleased to welcome you on your first visit to Seoul and to our company. Before we meet, you may like to consider the possibility of payments between us being set off against each other so that we reduce the actual transfer of cash to a minimum. This would reduce bank charges and simplify accounting for both parties. I am aware that it may have implication with regard to discounts and credit , but I am confident we can reach agreement on such matters during your visit.
I intend to meet you at the airport myself, provided no urgent business arises at short notice, and to escort you to your hotel. I trust your stay in Seoul will be a pleasant and productive one.
Yours sincerely

17.11 Writing practice
Suppose that, instead of speaking to Park in Seoul, Nicole had to write to him in reply to his letter of 31 August. Write the letter for her, using her arguments from 17.4, 17.7 and 17.8.

Drawing closer to an agreement
17.12 Listen and read
Nicole and Park meet again after lunch. What is Park's latest offer? How does he 'extend' his offer?
PARK | Hello again. Miss Vernay. I hope you had a good lunch. I've been thinking about things, and I believe I have come up with a solution. |
NICOLE | That is good news! |
PARK | This is what I suggest. On the day the agreement comes into force, ![]() ![]() |
NICOLE | How large an advance? |
PARK | A hundred thousand dollars. |
NICOLE | I'm sorry - a hundred thousand is no use to me as a one-off payment. ![]() ![]() |
PARK | Well, in case of emergency, I'm sure we could stretch a point. ![]() |
NICOLE | Mr Park, over lunch, I've been looking again at the cash-flow figures I worked out before I came here. These figures are for the six months of the agreement and then three months afterwards. The printed figures show how I want to do it. On the right of each column I've put in the figures for what you want to do - setting off my debts against yours each month. |

17.13 Figure practice
When Nicole is back in Paris, one of her colleagues questions her about the figures. Read the spreadsheet carefully, and then answer these questions for Nicole.
shortfall the amount needed to make up the full amount; here, the difference in Nicole's balance if she accepts Park's proposals.
1 | These amounts look very small. Is he really only going to pay a hundred dollars a month? |
2 | Why has somebody written different figures on the spreadsheet? |
3 | Why didn't he want to pay you anything as a fee? |
4 | If you stop ordering goods in March, why do you go on paying until June? |
5 | What percentage profit do you make on the clothes you import from Park to sell in France? |
6 | If Fashionpark pays you a 5% royalty, what's their total annual turnover expected to be? |

17.14 Document study
Look at the spreadsheet again. What is the result of Park's proposal to Nicole's figures? How much would it cost Nicole in interest payments?

17.15 Listen and read
Nicole and Park are about to finish their discussion. Listen to what they say. How did Nicole calculate her interest payments? Why does Park think that the new figures don't make any difference?
PARK | But this is hypothetical ![]() |
NICOLE | Oh? I thought we agreed on these figures as the basis for discussion a month ago? |
PARK | Well, there you are, then! You see - the result is the same either way, just as I said! You may clear two million dollars. ![]() |
NICOLE | I need two million dollars! But look at the differences between the balances, month by month, and then the interest I have to pay each month on my overdraft. I'm just reckoning eighteen per cent annually, that's one point five per cent a month at simple interest. If you total those interest payments, they come to twenty-seven thousand dollars! If anyone's going to pay that much interest, it should be Fashionpark, not Nicole Vernay. |
PARK | Can't you pass it on to your customers? |
NICOLE | Why should my customers pay you twenty-seven thousand dollars? Look, I'll tell you what. You make me an interest-free loan of three hundred thousand dollars for a period of three months, starting on the date the contract starts ... |
PARK | I'd be better off paying you a hundred thousand a month. Hm. I wonder, though. Perhaps I could arrange some sort of guarantee with my bank. ![]() |

17.16 Listen and read
Nicole and Park have now reached agreement. What has Park agreed to pay Nicole? What has Nicole agreed in return?
PARK | So, as part of our contract, Fashionpark will include a clause guaranteeing a minimum royalty payment of three hundred thousand dollars on 1 December, three months into the contract period. |
NICOLE | Yes, I think my bank will go along with that ![]() |
PARK | Yes - on the f.o.b. price, that is. |
NICOLE | Well, I'm very encouraged by the conversations we've had. |
PARK | I'm confident we're going to have a very big success this spring. |
NICOLE | I'll have to go through the small print with my lawyer and my accountant. ![]() |
PARK | Au revoir, mademoiselle. You'll be hearing from me soon. Have a good flight! |

17.17 Reading for key words
Find the words or phrases in 17.15 and 17.16 that tell you the following:
1 | This may happen, but it is not certain. |
2 | I don't think they ought to pay. |
3 | I've got a suggestion to make. |
4 | Lend me some money, with no interest. |
5 | It would be more profitable for me. |
6 | The contract will compel Fashionpark to pay a minimum royalty. |
7 | Three months after the contract comes into force. |
8 | Agree to that course of action. |
9 | Make it possible for me to. |
10 | Discuss every detail of the agreement. |